Two Factors Affecting The Life Of Commercial Freezers

Update:22 Apr 2022

There are two aspects that affect the life expectancy of a commercial freezer:

Maintenance Level: If you maintain your commercial freezer diligently, you can extend its lifespan by 30% to 50%. Proper maintenance includes cleaning the condenser coils and evaporator every 30 days, as well as scheduling annual maintenance by trained technicians. If your commercial freezer is not properly maintained, it can affect efficiency, which in turn shortens its lifespan. This is because when your commercial refrigerator has a buildup of dirt, it makes it harder to maintain the proper temperature. Therefore, the key to extending the life of a commercial freezer is proper cleaning and annual maintenance inspections by a trained technician.

Usage: This is a big consideration, as to how long and how often your refrigerator is used can affect its lifespan. The less a refrigerator is visited and used, the longer it will last. For example, if you have a high-traffic store that is open 24 hours, your refrigerator will be used more often than a convenience store that is only open 8 to 12 hours a day. The more times the door is opened and closed, the more wear on the door components, which means the door becomes less effective at keeping the freezer compartment sealed. At the same time, the constant opening also makes the compressor work harder because it has to restore the proper temperature more often than if the door were kept closed most of the time. In fact, a very busy commercial freezer will need to be replaced in about eight to nine years to avoid system failure that can cause food to spoil.