Sthree Ways To Increase The Life Of Your Commercial Freezer

Update:28 Jan 2022

Sthree Ways To Increase The Life Of Your Commercial Freezer

Commercial freezers circulate cold air to store frozen goods in ideal, below-zero temperatures. But they can only do so with proper air circulation, which requires a working fan, compressor, and evaporator to produce cold air and ideal food storage temperatures.

The number one culprit of warmer-than-usual freezer cabinets is dust accumulated on fan blades, which causes decreased cooling ability and prompting higher energy consumption because the freezer works overtime to keep cold. Not only does this cause your utility bills to skyrocket, but it can push your commercial freezer to the point of breakdown.

Evaporator coils can become clogged with dirt and dust, which reduces their efficiency. To restore your commercial freezer’s function, make sure that these are cleaned regularly, which includes removal of frost build-up to maintain ideal food storage temperatures. Also, check the defrost system and make sure that it runs regular defrost cycles to eliminate frost and keep your commercial freezer running smoothly.

It’s quite impossible to limit the number of times that freezer doors are opened and closed in busy commercial kitchens, especially during service rush. Kitchen staff need to quickly retrieve and store ingredients and cooked food from cold storage, but this shouldn’t lead to freezers being left open and their contents exposed to warmer room temperature air.

Prolonged exposure of the freezer cabinet to warm air leads to moisture, which causes frost build-up and overworks the compressor to restore ideal temperatures. That causes energy bills to surge. Warmer temperatures also impact food safety because frozen items are not stored in ideal, below-zero conditions.

To prevent these, remind kitchen staff to close doors right away and press on them to ensure that the hinges latched back to a tight seal. As well, check the door gaskets to make sure that they maintain their tight seal, and replace broken, cracked, or worn-out gaskets right away to seal in cold air and keep warm air out.